Here are 2 freebies for you dearest Apple;
Instead of Siri telling me I have a long notification and asking if I want it read out — summarise it first so I know if it’s worth listening to now
Double Tap on Apple Watch (while the display is asleep / wrist is down) should tap back the time (or maybe speak it) for times where it’s hard to look at a watch
Made a dinky little app to help my partner keep track of their dinky little sewing patterns and put it on the App Store in case anyone else needs help organising their (totally under control) patterns collection —

The neighbourhood we're due to move in to is having a "welcome back sun" party at the local shops. I think we're going to be right at home counting down the days until DST 😃
Well that's a wrap on Super Mario Bros. Wonder!
I think I spent upwards of 200 lives in the special world alone, with at least 100 of those going to this absolute pain of a level
Finished reading Neuromancer by William Gibson the other week! As a fan of modern sci-fi films and games it was really interesting to see where so much of the inspiration came from. From "the matrix" in the titular The Matrix, to the twin AI constructs in Deus Ex. 10/10 would read again.📚
There is a fly stuck in the roller of one of the blinds in my house. It's trying to escape, and the buzzing sound sounds like someone chainsawing off in the distance. Any attempts to remove it are useless, so I just need to wait for this bug to perish for it to stop playing my house like a musical instrument.
Currently reading: Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey 📚— only a few chapters in, and very excited for the many books ahead.
One thing I miss from the iPhone mini is being able to plug it in at 20% charge and be at 80% in a handful of minutes.
Conversely, one thing I don't miss is needing to live in low power mode in order to have the battery last half a day
Crumpet does this thing where she throws herself around in bed to get comfortable — this was how she landed.
Best part about visiting your friends' kiddos: free entertainment for a couple hours while you watch them figure out how to eat.
Worst part about visiting your friends' kiddos: they'll gladly share their cooties with you.

Crumpet does this thing where she throws herself around in her bed to get comfortable — this was how she landed.

Happy Birthday to this dream-boat! Thank you @lxdn for being the best brother and an all round excellent human :)

Happy birthday to @mantiaa who has been one of the most supportive and kind people in my life. Thanks for being my Mum and bummed I am missing your birthday dinner 🎂

After a 12 hour layover and a 12 hour delay, at least we got these sweet Economy Ten seats (with edge to edge legroom)

Looks like the enhance feature on instagram for android is broken. Either that or it's a new CSI mode, in which case I don't think I should be sitting on this train...

An actual shopping centre in salt lake city. Built with billions of Mormon dollars and taking up two blocks. Also has a retractable glass roof and an indoor waterfall.