Week of 4 March

  • Summer seems to be back again this week! We've had a streak of a couple ~30° days this week. While I normally welcome the heat, I was kinda hoping to get stuck in to some work in the new place, which is (at the moment) lacking any cooling. So it's going to be a sweaty affair when I get stuck in to that.
  • The results of last weeks upgrade are mostly in — things seemed to be going pretty smoothly! We did get caught out by a couple of performance degradations in one of our data centres, but nothing a couple hours of profiling and guessing couldn't fix. Why we had perf differences between the old and new versions is still a mystery, but we had some good learnings to sort this one out, so hopefully if any more pop up we'll have the tools we need up our sleeves.
  • I did some more work at our new place this week, but already we've had to change our plans. Our plan was to move in as soon as possible and then do the work we needed as we went, but we found lead paint in the walls, and the current layer of paint has degraded pretty badly, which means we need to either strip the walls, or pull them down and start again. We're opting for the latter, since we can then use that opportunity to clean up any wiring, plumbing and insulation issues as well as lay any networking cable that we might want.
  • It's a long weekend in Canberra this weekend, celebrating Canberra Day (sounds made up, I know).
  • I spent some time this morning adding commenting to this blog. I've been wanting to add it for a while, but didn't want to do it via a web form. Instead, you can email in a reply to a post (that has comments enabled). The pre-filled email has a known subject and body format, so hopefully this reduces the amount of spam that comes in, but we'll see, it might also make emailing comments a little tricky if someone adjusts the subject or format. At the very least, those comments will make their way to an inbox I can see, so even if they don't get published to the site, I'll see 'em!

Tags: weekly, blog, seasons, renovation, canberra

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