Week 46 — The final countdown!

  • It's the last week of the work year! And with it comes the mayhem of trying to wrap everything up lest it's forgotten in the ~2-3 weeks between now an when we get back to it.
  • Barkly was feeling a bit poorly earlier in the week. When I got back home on Monday, Abby had him in the car so we could take him to the vet as soon as she picked me up. He had been restless over the weekend and apparently wasn't sleeping well. The emergency vet took a quick glance and said he looked well enough that he could wait and go to the regular vet — who also said he looked fine. His blood work told a different story though, and on Thursday we booked him in for an ultrasound. That too came up all clear, so who knows why he was restless! My guess is it could have been the heat? In any case, he now has a shaved belly from the ultrasound, so that should at least keep him cool ;)
  • I've been making more progress through Tears of the Kingdom, but maaaaan there's just so much to do! I'm at the point where I'm about to track down Ganon for the final showdown, but I still have half complete and half upgraded armour sets that I want to finish off — not to mention I just learned you can upgrade the Sage companions!
  • Speaking of Video James, I re-installed Fortnite on a whim yesterday, and, turns out they have TNMT skins, guitar hero, a LEGO building / survival mode, and a Rocketleague racing mode now. I feel like the guy holding up a butterfly meme — is this the metaverse? It's crazy just how packed that game is now. I jumped in for a few games of Zero-build and was promptly dispatched in the first 5mins in 4 of my 5 games, so glad to see that game mode is still thriving!
  • I have been back on my vim-as-a-hobby bandwagon this week, though I think I've spent more time futzing with the config than I have actually coding anything!
  • Speaking of coding, I'm probably done trying to keep up with The Advent of Code again this year. The latest puzzles (well, at least 10,11 and 12) all seem to be about pathfinding through ascii maps. Which, sounds fun? But there's only so many times I can do that kind of puzzle before I lose my mind 😅

Tags: weekly, barkly, zelda, fortnite, games

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