Week 44 — Beginning to wind it up

A productive week this week as the year starts to wind down! I am off to Melbourne in a few days, so super excited to go see some friends and family :)

I have been doing a bunch of work on this site over the weekend — mainly styling updates and some asset fixes, but I also added a new section to the podcasts page to show recently played shows, and fixed how the site authenticates with micro.blog. Podcast scorbbling works by periodically downloading an OPML file from overcast.fm and parsing it for newly played podcasts. I did unfortunately rate-limit myself in the process of trying to make it more efficient, so the current list is a bit behind, but hopefully it comes good soon.

I have been getting really in to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom again this week. I sped through the last 3 temples, collected the master sword and beat a Ganon — and then the game's like "but wait, there's more!". I was really hoping to wrap it up before the end of the year to move on to other things, but alas, there's more!

The expanse, book 1 continues to keep me hooked. I sat down this morning after breakfast to read through a chapter and ended up getting through 3 or 4 just because I need to know what happens! The book is written such that each chapter is from the view of a new person. A perfect way to setup some super interesting situation, then end it on a cliff-hanger! Sometimes the pay off is in the next chapter, but others it's a few chapters in — and I just can't put it down.

It's advent of code time! The most exciting time of year (until I forget about it because other end of year things get in the way) ... ! This year I have been writing up my solutions in the hopes that it helps someone reason about the problem (even if my way™ is totally convoluted).

Speaking of end of year things, it's also iTunes replay time! I have been trying to fix a bug in my "top tracks this week" section that is included on every weekly post, because it always included the same artist. It turns out this may not be a bug, but I just happen to listen to the same band just a bit more than anything else.

  • Top artists for 2023. First Alexisonfire, second Lorn, third King Gizzard & The Lizzard Wizard
  • Top songs from 2023, a mix of Alexisonfire, GUNSHIP and City and Colour
  • Top Album for 2023, Tunic (Original game soundtrack)

Tags: weekly, blog, zelda, the expanse

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