Week 32 — Back to normal

  • This week, I finally feel like I'm back in the swing of things! But we'll see how long that lasts as we're getting in to planning for the next quarter at work (and Abby is off overseas in the next few weeks).
  • I have been chipping away at the app I have been working to help Abby organise her growing pattern collection. SwiftData has stabilised pretty nicely over the last few Xcode betas! There's nothing glaringly broken in the way I am using it now, so the core bits are all functionally there. Now for the remaining 10% of the work!
  • I've been taking the dogs for hour-plus walks each day to try and keep up the post-holiday steps! As far as I can tell, they've been loving it, and still they try and delay returning home by trying to sniff everything during the last few hundred meters of our loop! Barkly had his teeth cleaned this week, too. Unfortunately they had to remove a couple teeth as they were pretty badly damaged, but it hasn't really phased him. He's still eating well and wanting to run around outside. We're just keeping his pain relief up until we go for a checkup later this week.
  • The weather has been amazing this weekend, which means I have been out in the garden again, but this time just cleaning up the lawn as the warm weather means it grows about 500m each day.
  • I continue to be in love with the PlayDate. This week I have been playing Soko, a small and delightful Sokoban game, which is a great reset between meetings! I am also still keen to check out Mars After Midnight by one of my favourite game designers, Lucas Pope.

Tags: weekly, playdate, work, barkly, garden, dogs, swiftui

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