Week of 29 April

  • Back to our regularly scheduled updates!
  • A regular length week this week, who the heck thought 5 day weeks were a good idea?
  • I've been toying with a new idea in a Rails 7 app. This is the first time I think I've rails new'd anything since Rails 5? It's been a long while! My main goal is to try and pick up what I've been missing in Rails land over the last few years of working with a heavily-modified Rails app in my jobby-job and Hanami at all other times. I almost immediately ran in to the issue of "where the hell do I put my code that doesn't fit in to the default app structure". I ended up creating a couple of modules under /app, which didn't play super nicely with the default module loading behaviour πŸ™ƒ. The new frontend bits with Hotwire and Stimulus are nice, but a bit awkward when compared with say Alpine and HTMX.
  • I've been back on my nonsense with Destiny 2 this week. This time, putting some time in to my Hunter! I think I've only played 1 expansions worth of missions with them, and then bits and pieces here and there. The fact that there are no big bumps in light level this season meant that I could pick up some free gear to hit max level and get in to all the fun stuff! The new "Into the Light" activity finally admits that Destiny 2 is best when it leans in to its horde more roots! Unlike the new Exotic mission, which leans in to the worst of Destiny 2 with some ridiculous and obtuse platforming β€” but then redeems itself with a pretty decent, fight at the end. I failed the mission twice β€” once because it took me 40 mins to even find the final encounter, and another because I mis-played the final encounter and didn't kill everything in time. The 3rd attempt was the charm, just sneaking a win in in the final minutes.
  • https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZU-hvkL3yXM
  • I visited a Yiayia's Bakery on Saturday to pick up some tsoureki for a little Easter celebration at home this weekend. It's no way near as good as home-made, but better than no tsoureki at all πŸ˜†.
  • Last weekend a mate from work popped up to Canberra to visit their family and we got to catch up in real life over brunch like a bunch of fancy people! The moment made me realise how much I miss occasional-office-life. It's nice to be able to gasbag with a human in person!

Tags: weekly, hanami, destiny 2, easter

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