Week of 26 February

  • What a mixed week! This week was bookended with 2 pretty wild events.
  • On Monday night, I flew in to Melbourne in preparation to go see Blink-182 on Tuesday evening.
  • On Tuesday, we managed to do a run through of a major database upgrade in a non-production environment and managed to find (oh no) and fix (whew) a few bugs and issues. There was outstanding issue that we couldn't resolve on Tuesday, but we were determined to not let it push back our Sunday ship date.
  • But Tuesday night, was a brilliant respite to this stress. I bought tickets to see the band in November of 2022, thinking the show was in February of 2023 — oops. So it's been a long time coming, and the closer the day got the more I was uhming and ahing about the show. But all of that was gone the moment they got up on stage and launched in to Feeling This — a tune I often throw on to bring up my mood! From then on it was banger after banger, intermixed with some just nuts banter (see this track off one of their live albums). At one point, a lucky little dude even score one of Mark's practice basses. There were only a handful of songs that I didn't recognise, but that was quite a nice respite to just sit and enjoy the moment without needing to pay attention to the music. I'm glad I went and I'm glad I went with my brother — there were a couple of gasps as some songs from our younger years came on. 10/10 would attend again.

Blink-182 on stage in Melbournehttps://www.youtube.com/embed/wuroirjegJs

  • On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I largely spent all my time shoring up our plans for the upgrade on Sunday to make sure that everything was good to go.
  • All during the week I had been feeling pretty run-down and tired so Saturday was spent playing Pentiment on the PS5 and it was such a lovely escape in to the world of art history and 1500s Europe (with a twist of murder mystery). - Sunday, toady, D-day. Today's the day that our months long planning and preparation would be be put to the test! Thankfully this wasn't our first rodeo in doing a major database upgrade, this was just our first one that dealt with a database that has a decade and a half of data in it (and needed to be bumped 2 major versions). So of course we took every precaution, not opting for an in-place upgrade, but instead creating a replica that would be our target database and moving all systems over to that, allowing us to pull the ripcord if we needed to point all our services back at the database running an older version. I sit here, 3.5hrs post upgrade feeling pretty proud of the team that pulled this off, spanning folks from all over the org. I now think we were probably too conservative in our planning, but that's something we can roll in to the next upgrade.
  • In amongst this, at some point this week, I also bumped this site to use the release version of Hanami 2.1.0 — congrats to all you legends for shipping!

Tags: weekly, ruby, hanami, blog, melbourne, blink-182, databses, pentiment

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