Week of 12 February

  • Lots of catchup this week, post company offsite! It was also my last official week as a team lead! I'm very much looking forward to being able to focus on the technical success of the team and partnering with some other folks to fill the product and delivery gaps! This last year has been an incredible learning experience, however, and I've come away having learned some new skills and some things about myself. For instance, taking on accountability for the technical output of a team as well as its wellbeing, maintaining its delivery velocity and being accountable for the product the team is working on is only really something I can really do well when one or two the the responsibilities can be on autopilot. So if we were building something technically well known to me, and there was little discovery to do, then the other facets could get more attention. But when every facet is in need of deep attention in order to delivery something high-quality, then that's no beuno!
  • Abby and I went to dinner with some friends on Friday to The Statesman in Curtin. The food was surprisingly tasty, for a pub that until recently looked quite uninviting. After having undergone a recent refurb (with the addition of a co-working space which I have yet to find), the hotel now looks like it could be a decent local! Especially since our new place is a short stroll away. Speaking of, post pub-feed, we went and checked in on the place, to find it in pretty good nick. There was some wear from just normal living, as well as some water damage from the rains, but nothing to really worry about! So next up is to do some clean up (removing old curtains, carpets and tiles followed by a quick paint) and start to move our things over!
  • For a while I have been eyeing up getting a tattoo from hi_imfromyesterday (a.k.a Bono), but have never remembered to check the waitlist announcements (what with no Instagram on my phone). This was until I was chatting to a friend at work who did get some work done by him, and coincidentally saw that the waitlist opened up again this weekend! So I managed to get on! Thankfully, there's a pretty decent lead time of a month or so between knowing a date for your booking and the booking itself — giving me plenty of time to plan the trip down to Melbourne (and find a couple of photos of Barkly and Crumpet not being doofs).

Tags: weekly, work, crumpet, barkly, dinner, social, experience

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