Week of 11 March
- I spent some of the long weekend over at the new place pulling out more fixtures. We're just down to the bathroom and kitchen now which I should be able to do next weekend before we get some people in to rip out and dispose of the walls. We've also got a pretty final floor plan, so now the fun and endless possibilities of picking all the fittings is taking over.
- I completed Mario Wonder this week. The special world stages were amazing! There were a couple that took me at least 100 lives each to properly learn. The climbing one (video in the post linked) and a level that is a gauntlet of all the badge challenges — which was easy enough once I got the rhythm, except for the last invisibility-badge section, which as always was just impossible.
- It's starting to get darker earlier now, but today was particularly bad as it was also overcast and threatening to rain all day — gonna miss you daylight savings time!
- Other than that, the week was pretty uneventful! We're only a few weeks from Easter, and a few more long weekends, so hanging out for those!
Tags: weekly curtin mario daylight savings