Week 8 β€” πŸ‚

  • It's been a bit f a quiet week this week β€” well, at home anyway. Work has been full on, and maybe that has contributed to the quietness of the week.
  • Contrary to what I mentioned last week, the weather has started to turn here in Canberra. While it's not icy yet, we've been seeing tops of around 20 over the last week with a bit of rain.
  • With the weather change comes one of my favourite times of the year, too! My regular route in to the city goes via the National Arboretum, which is quite a sight to behold as it comes in to view around the bends of the parkway.
  • I spent Monday working out of a co-working space nearby. It was nice to be working around people again :) The space itself is quite nice, but the desks, chairs and shared video-call rooms are a bit hit and miss. One of the Zoom rooms I used had graffiti all over the fold out table, which makes wonder β€” why you would pay to use a nice space, and then draw all over the desks! πŸ™ƒ
  • We watched Everything Everywhere All at Once this week. What a ride that was! I was not at all expecting anything that happened past the first 10 minutes of that film, and I loved every minute of it. 10/10, would experience again!
  • The avo is doing well, and now that we're getting in to autumn (and a Canberran autumn at that), I might look at cleaning up some of the top growth to try and encourage this little thing to fill out some of the lower parts of its trunk πŸͺ΄ An young avocado plant with 9 leaves

Tags: weekly, seasons, autumn

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