Week 52 — Year of blogging regularly!

  • This post marks a year of updating this site on a regular (pretty much weekly) basis! As the year has gone on, I have been thinking about how to title these posts. For the past year, it has been week number followed by some theme from the week. However, there were several weeks where I was stuck for a title and ended up using something a bit "meh" (in my mind). So I am thinking of changing that up in the coming weeks, and probably just going with the date of the Monday of the week (because weeks start on Mondays — and spaces are better than tabs 😆).
  • This week was mostly productive. We have a company offsite in a couple of weeks so we have a line-in-the-sand date where we need to do XYZ by before we're disrupted for a week. Unfortunately, many people are still off or still catching up from holidays — which makes getting things done a little trickier than usual.
  • This weekend was pretty packed with DIY things around the house. After painting my study, I set my sights on the cavity-sliding doors we have around the house. These were somewhat intimidating because I had no idea how to even pull them off the railing and then re-hang them. Turns out, there were some pelmets (are they still called that if they're only on the sides?) that blocked access to the railing, and once these were removed, pulling the doors off was pretty trivial. The railing even concealed a small spanner that can be used to adjust the ride-height of the doors as well as pulling the doors down from the railing. Re-hanging the doors once painted was then the tricky bit. I didn't adjust anything on the railing, and when we went to lift the doors up to be hung, the anchor points looked completely unreachable without turning the door in to some kind of liquid.
  • On the way to Bunnings to pick up all the things for this DIY-weekend, we noticed a sign to Pine Island and given we were already in somewhat-active-wear, we took a quick detour and walked one of the shorter tracks. It was pretty nice, and neither of us knew that we had access to such a place only a few km from our place! During our scope-out walk we saw a bunch of folks down in the river, so it must be a pretty good spot for a dip.

A panorama of one of the trails at Pine Island

  • I'm back on my baking nonsense this week, after a failed attempt to start last week wherein I made hot-crossed buns (minus the cross), but didn't realise my yeast was past its use by, and so they ended up being pretty dense 😅. This week, things went much better in the fluffiness department, I just wish I had the oranges I used last week because this week, they weren't amazing. I've also started a couple of loaves of bread, which will hopefully feature in next week's update.

Tags: weekly, baking, painting, exploring

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