Week 51 — Back to it

  • First week back at work started off hot! Back to back meetings and onboarding new folks is one way to jump-start the old memory :D Thankfully I had written up some decent notes so I could ramp up pretty quickly!
  • This weekend was a weird one! We went and picked up a cabinet from Abby's Mum's place managed to fit it in to the boot of our little Barina. It was super snug, but we were sure we could get it back out again when we got home! That was at 12pm. We finally got the thing free at 5pm, after disassembling it while it was still in the car. We were incredibly close to spending the rest of our lives with an involuntary 5-door, 2-seater. That did distract a bit from what I was planning on doing on Saturday (which was to dig in to cleaning up the front yard). But, thankfully, I also had Sunday to do that! After tidying the front path, I started work on the garden itself, and it wasn't all that long before the green bin was full up (even after a few goes stamping it down). So I hope next weekend has a couple of moments for continuing to chip away at this task.
  • I have been playing Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown this week, the latest entry in what is probably the longest standing franchise I have been in to. While I didn't play the DOS games when they were released, I did play them around the time that The Sands of Time came out. The latest entry is (so far) a very solid metroidvania. Bringing some solid aspects from Hollowknight and Metroid: Dread. It does also bring something new to the genre, which is a solve for those moments where you drop a pin on your map in order to go back, but have no idea what the pin meant. Could have been a tricky battle, an unreachable area, or something that needed a specific ability — who knows what this blue pin means. The Lost Crown adds to its pin system the ability to attach a screenshot of the area. So when you're looking for places to back-track to, you can know "oh! this place is where I need this new ability, I can do that now!".

Tags: weekly, prince of persia, garden