Week 42 β€” Spending more time with Hanami 🌸

  • I made a couple of updates to this site this weekend. Mainly some behind the scenes things to update Hanami to 2.1.0rc2 and to bring some of the core pieces in line with what will be generated when 2.1.0 ships! A couple of highlights:

  • I've been preparing my dotfiles in anticipation of moving to a new M-series laptop in the next little while. My current intel machine has served me well, but after getting to use an M1 Pro for actual work (and not just poking around at the Apple store), an upgrade makes total sense. - It's been about 1,000,000 degrees here over the last few days (well, close to 30), and it's not super pleasant. The dryness has wreaked havoc on the garden, and has made the bindies come out, which means the dogs' feet are full of prickles that need to be carefully picked out. - I've been reading Berserk on my iPad, and going from a physical paper book, to a swipes-PDF is a massive step down. I don't mind reading regular, non-graphic, novels on an iPad, but not having a nice way to zoom in on each panel (and not be locked in to a zoomed in view) makes it tricky to appreciate some of the more complex panels. So I am currently on the look out for someone trying to offload their collection on gumtree (as our local library doesn't seem to carry them) 🀞🏽

Tags: weekly, ruby, hanami, garden, macos, berserk

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