Week 41 — 10-ex-productivity

  • It's finally starting to feel like summer here now! I've been wearing shorts and a t-shirt for most of the week. It's nice not not be freezing all of the time, but I would trade that for the garden not being burnt to a crisp!
  • It was a short week for the folks in Melbourne this week on account of horse-go-fast day. This meant that I had a largely uninterrupted Tuesday which resulted in much of my to-do list getting decimated! It got me thinking about how even though we can get good at context switching and chipping away at tasks, nothing beats a solid block of focus time!
  • Inspired by my productive work week, I spent some of the weekend working on PatternMate (my yet-to-be-released textile pattern organising app). This weekend saw some polish to the iPad app (it now has a decent sidebar and not-so-stretched views) as well as some image gallery cleanup and some more experience and IA improvements. I'm super happy with how it's coming along and with how easy SwiftUI is to use once you clear some of the early-learning hurdles.

Tags: weekly, seasons, garden, ios, patternmate

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