Week 40 — A lot of nerding out

  • I started reading Berserk this week to have something not-so-serious to read for a change. I didn't realise just how much popular culture was inspired by it! There is literally a panel in the first volume that may as well be the cover of Final Fantasy 7. The art in volume 1 is somewhat grotesque and some panels resemble scenes that would be spray pained on the side of a pickup truck — but there is also some gold in there and I hope that the art evolves over the next ~30 years of published works!
  • After using an M1 Pro MacBook ... Pro for the last few weeks, I am seriously considering picking up an M3 MacBook Pro for personal use. I didn't realise just how slugish the i-series intel chips are in ye olde MacBooks Pro. I went in to an Apple store today to repair a phone I plan to hand down, and the guy there was very excited to mention that the M3s are going to be replacing M2s in a few days 😆
  • I caught some of BlizzCon this weekend. Being a loooong time fan of Blizzard's games — but also being conflicted about the abysmal management of the company — it's nice to have a small moment to enjoy some of the universes that brought so many people together over the years. I'm particularly excited about the Diablo IV expansion, and seeing what Metzen does with the Warcraft universe now that he's back on board!
  • I've also switching to using Kagi for search — it's a total PITA to get it to work natively in Safari, but the extension does a decent enough job. So far the results have been amazing! I am not sure when I'll hit the free search limit, but ~$9 a month for decent search sounds like a good deal to me!
  • There's a new "Currently listening to" section on the now page that pulls the most recent albums I have been listening to. Apple Music includes Stations as part of this list, but I have filtered those out. So right now there should be somewhere between 1 and 10 recent albums in that list. I also built some basic page caching in to the backend of the site to reduce the load time of that page, but also reduce the number of requests I send to Apple to ask for recently played tracks.

Tags: weekly, music, apple, berserk, blizzard

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