Week 39 β€” πŸ‘»

The weather was slightly better this week β€” no need for busting out the space heater at least!

The last few weeks have seen a steady increase in halloween decorations around the neighbourhood. Nothing crazy and over the top, but some pretty well-made spider webs, and a couple of pumpkins and skeletons here and there. Despite the ample reminding on my daily dog walks, I still forgot to pick up anything for trick or treaters!

The Adventure Zone: Steeplechase wrapped up this week, in a very satisfying way (at least it felt like it did β€” there are no new episodes out and the story came to a nice conclusion). I started listening to it way back in Week 3 so glad to see I was able to keep this blog up, throughout its run πŸ˜†!

I also finished watching The Game Grumps' play through of the first Danganronpa. I started when Abby was overseas as a thing to watch that wasn't a series that we would both want to watch, and then had to see the madness that was that game through. I have since started watching the play through of Danganronpa 2, so, wish me luck I guess.

That's all for this week β€” I spent this morning upgrading a database with some colleagues at work and am about to dive in to Diablo IV's second season before hitting the sack after a semi-stressful Sunday morn!

Tags: weekly, ruby, blog, diablo, podcasts, youtube

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