Week 35 — ADST, we've missed you

  • Week 1 with the new iPhone down, and it has been really nice! I didn't think I would adjust to the size as quickly as I did, and it is super nice to be able to type with both hands and use PiP and still see what is playing 😅.
  • macOS Sonoma is also a welcome upgrade, though mainly for new Safari features. PassKeys and the ability to create apps from web pages (a la Prism) have been a really nice addition to every day life on the web.
  • I have been chipping away at PatternMate a bit more this weekend and have got it to the point where we're able to test it at home with some real life patterns! I've been tracking some of the WIP and feedback in a Freeform board (though I wish navigating it were simpler on the Mac!).
  • I got really deep in to CyberPunk 2077 again this week. And hachi machi, it is really good now!
  • On a similar note, thematically, a new Gunship album dropped this week, just in time for a long weekend and the start of daylight savings. It's been a really good listen thus far!
    • ✅ Arpeggiating synths
    • ✅ Crunchy bass and drum parts
    • ✅ Blood for the blood god

Tags: weekly, music, macos, ios, ps5

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