Week 31 — Something need doing?

  • This week was our first week back at work post-holiday. What a shock to the system 😅! While nothing at work was on-fire, there were several days in the week where I thought to myself "was I able to do all of this before" — it was definitely overwhelming.
  • The dogs are also super happy for us to be back! They have been really clingy and making sure we're almost always in sight whenever they park for a nap.
  • While travelling, we did a lot more walking that we would normally — somewhere around 15-16k steps each day, so I have been trying to keep this up by taking the dogs for a much longer walk in the mornings, and now that it's getting lighter in the evening, ducking out again after work. So far, my podcast backlog is thanking me, as are the dogs — though they're noticeably more tired during the day now :)
  • The weather has been pretty nice this week, and I was able to return to my project of clearing out the trees from around the shed. I finally cleared away the last of the smaller bushes and plants, and can now access the last remaining large trunk so I can start picking pieces off of that to make its removal easier. I am not sure what I am going to do with it once it's chopped down (our mulching machine can't handle it, and the green bin service doesn't allow massive logs).

Tags: weekly, work, travel, garden, dogs

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