Week 25 — Social times

  • I caught up with a colleague from Melbourne and their partner this week for lunch, and it was lovely! Lunch time hangs and unscheduled social time are some of the things that I miss the most about "working from the office". There was a time during COVID times, where we were all talking about what an office is good for (given that we're all pretty capable and efficient when working from home). Socialisation and random hallway chats are the only things I have missed from office life, but I am not sure they are always worth the ~2 hours of daily train travel.
  • This week also marks the start of Diablo IVs first season. A season in modern, live-service games, normally involves some special, themed story and some themed cosmetic pieces that are available over the course of 3 months or so. In the case of Diablo, participating in a season and its content is only open to "seasonal" characters — characters who are created brand new while the season is running. So, on top of playing through the additional content, there is also an element of competition in trying to build a character and progress as far as possible, before the next season.
  • Last week, we wrapped up all the writing parts of our twice yearly performance cycle. While it can be a massive slog, it's also one of the most rewarding parts of my work at the moment! Getting to write about your colleagues, celebrate all the cool things they've achieved and helping to uncover some areas for potential growth is genuinely a gratifying way to spend time.
  • I visited a new barber this week on a recommendation from a friend, and oh boy, it was legendary! I have been looking for a decent barber in Canberra for ages. This resulted in giving up recently and getting stuck in a crappy situation with someone super in to a certain American President. So, I am over the moon that the folks at Charming Devils have opened up shop in Canberra and I hope they're around for a while, because hoo-boy, I do not want to go searching again!

Tags: weekly, diablo, barber, performance

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