Week 2 — Next week, and next week.

  • Nintendo dropped a surprise release of Metroid Prime Remastered on us this week! I remember reading, and re-reading all of the promotional material of the original when it was announced out in ~2001. Then being amazed by the detail in Samus' visor alone. The way it fogged up with alien steam and the way bright lights caused Samus' eyes to reflect off of it was just magical at the time. I've tried to replay the Gamecube version via emulation a couple of time over the years, but was always put off by poor frame rate and weird texture compression. I'm so glad a remaster has dropped for modern hardware and I can't wait to spelunk through the world of Talon IV once more.
  • Performance review time has been rolling through at work. I always find that I can write for days when providing feedback and praise for someone else, but hit a mental block when I need to write something reflective. Time and time again, I tell myself I'll keep a list of things throughout the year so that come performance time, I can whiz through the list and write up a self reflection with ease. It always starts strong, and then drops off a cliff after about a month or so. Let's see how we go this year.
  • This week is the penultimate week that my team at work gets to work together as a team before we disperse to join and form new teams. It's been a wild 12 months, and I'm looking forward to the things we get to tackle next!
  • I am off to Melbourne next week for Ruby conf. I am super excited to see some Ruby humans in person again after a few years off :)
  • I also managed to snag a couple of tickets to go see Alexisonfire the week after Ruby conf. in Melbourne. The last time I saw them was around 2008? so very keen to see them again!
  • Vim practice has been going well, finding the right plugins to do the things I am used to in RubyMine has been kinda fun, though I've had to start a cheat sheet because I'm starting to lose track of some of the less frequently used commands.
  • The avocado plant is doing well too! The new growth is maturing and some of the leaves that were curling last week are looking better. A small avocado plant with a few leaves of new growth

Tags: weekly, ruby, plants, ruby conf, metroid, vim

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