Week 16 — Four more months!

This week's post marks 4 months of weekly posts! I have never really gotten in to the habit of writing (as much as I have wanted to), but I have found that even just writing these weekly posts has made it easier to get in to the habit of writing non-weekly posts! Now if I can just finish writing the other posts 😅

I've been making more blog updates this week. The updates have mostly been to the admin area as well as some smaller frontend details that were not previously possible in the version of Hanami 2 I was working with. I think the last outstanding piece (that I think needs a framework update) is to add active states to the main nav.

Speaking of this blog. I have been wanting to move to a cheaper and more environmentally friendly web host for a while now. I had been with Vultr for a while, and having a datacenter in Sydney was super nice when it came to SSH latency and deploy speeds, but the cost wasn't really justifiable — especially when other hosts offer better server configs for a fraction of the price. So, this weekend, I moved everything over to Hetzner. I had a bunch of rsync commands from the last time I moved server, so it only took a couple of hours. Most of which was moving all of the stuff in my Mastodon instance, and remembering how to install PHP again for my RSS setup.

I spent this morning out on Cooleman Ridge. There's an equestrian park on the west side of the ridge and so many people were out with their horses today. There was also a herd / troop / mob of Kangaroos just lazing around in the sun watching said people and their horses. I wanted to get a photo, but I couldn't without including a bunch of random people, so we'll have to settle for these:

  • A path up a hill and trailing off in to the distance.
  • A trail heading down hill with bushy hills in the distance.
  • A trail through the bush with a hill to the right and mountain on the horizon.
  • A trail through some light-density bush overlooking south Canberra

Tags: weekly, hanami, blog

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