Week 13 — Another longie

  • Yet another long weekend, making for a short week :D Though I think this is the last longie for a little bit now. This time, we were off on account of ANZAC day. The public holiday fell on a Tuesday this year. Some folks took the Monday off for an extra long weekend, but we both worked and took the Tuesday to go for a hike through Tidbinbilla. We've been working our way through the tracks there, but it's been a while since we last went, so we took it easy with the Ashbrook Fire Trail. The trail is a there-and-back-again style trail (not a loop) and is bookended by a couple of small river crossings. The first crossing was fairly simple, but the second was not possible with the shoes we had picked for the walk. It has been raining pretty steadily in Canberra, and so the rocks and bits that we could have used to cross were all well under water. This meant we had to turn back with about 300m to go before the "official" end — so I guess we have to go back to tick that one off.
  • I went for a bi-monthly haircut this weekend. While this isn't something to write home about, I somehow managed to get lumped with a barber who was a Trump apologist. And it's one of those things where, I never know what to say. I absolutely don't want to start a conflict with someone cutting my hair, and I doubt it would change any minds, but every fibre of my being was struggling to even participate in the conversation. This is not the first time this has happened, and it probably won't be the last, but I will continue to be baffled by people's allegiance to that man, especially when they live in a small city in Australia.
  • My music player journey is continuing, and this time on iOS. I picked up Marvis Pro and it has been amazing! I mainly picked it up for last.fm support, but it is also incredibly customisable. It allows for customisation of some of the expected bits, like the now playing screen as well as some theming options. But what I wasn't expecting was the ability to essentially build your own home screen out of static and dynamic sections. Now I can intentionally include sections like "recently added", "playlists" and some smart searches to surface albums I had forgotten about and drop all of the radio station clutter that Apple's Music client adds in. On top of this, these custom screens can be shared with other folks using Marvis, so as you can imagine there is a pretty lively community of people sharing their customisation discoveries in the form of their home screens.

Tags: weekly, music, hikes

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