Week 12 — Layoffs

  • This week has been rough on many fronts. Layoffs at work have meant we have lost some of the most brilliant people I have had the chance to work with. Some had been with us for a good chunk of their career and the company's life. It's tough seeing so many smart and talented people needing to now scramble for work in already uncertain times.
  • Not much has happened outside of work this week. I did make some more progress on clearing away brush from the shed, with just one large bough remaining. This bit fortunately grows up and over the shed, so we have decent access to most sides of it now and can start working out if we want to remove it or replace it with something smaller that is big enough to hold just what we need.
  • We also have family visiting this week, which is a nice distraction to all the goings on :) For some reason mid-late April is when we have historically hosted visitors. It also happens to be the time of year when Canberra shifts quickly in to may-as-well-be-winter-mode. Which catches people who are used to Melbourne autumns off guard.
  • The avo is starting to recover a bit! And there is another sprouting next to it. I think I might move it outside undercover for a bit so it can get some unfiltered sun, but not be bitten by the frost that will inevitably roll in over the next few weeks. A tall avocado sapling with 3 leaves An avocado seed beginning to sprout

Tags: weekly, seasons, garden, layoffs

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