2023 Tunes!

This year I tried my darndest to Scrobble more to last.fm like it was 2008. This was made difficult by how tricky scrobbling from modern streaming services is. If anything is to count as a scrobble, it needs to be in the your "library". This means anything new usually wont be included until it makes it in to my library. Which is not the best experience, because I don't really want a library full of random things, but yay for 40m+ songs I guess.
In any case, this is what last-history has in store for 2023.
Top tracks
Earlier this year I saw Alexisonfire live in Melbourne. Their performance of Sans Soleil must have really stuck with me because it was this year's top track.
  1. Sans Soleil by Alexisonfire — 25 Scrobbles
  2. Sweet Dreams of Otherness by Alexisonfire — 18 Scrobbles
  3. Following Eyes by Soccer Mommy — 18 Scrobbles
  4. Bones by Soccer Mommy — 16 Scrobbles
  5. Blue Spade by Alexisonfire — 15 Scrobbles
  6. Stillness (Way Beyond) — 14 Scrobbles
  7. Boiled Frogs by Alexisonfire — 12 Scrobbles
  8. Conditional Love by Alexisonfire — 12 Scrobbles
  9. Dark Night of the Soul — 12 Scrobbles
  10. Happiness by the Kilowatt — 12 Scrobbles
Top albums
In April, I started playing TUNIC, an isometric Zelda-like from the folks at Finji studios. It was a super chill experience with some amazing puzzles and an awesome soundtrack by Lifeformed. It's rare that I'll play a game for a decent amount of time these days since most will start to pad for time with repetitive content just for the sake of it. TUNIC was not like that at all, each puzzle was unique and left me wanting to discover more about this mystery world! I probably put it down after finishing the last puzzle in about June, but still think about it every day.
  1. TUNIC (Original Game Soundtrack) by Lifeformed — 144 Scrobbles
  2. RARITIES by Lorn — 143 Scrobbles
  3. Otherness by Alexisonfire — 123 Scrobbles
  4. Sometimes, Forever by Soccer Mommy — 119 Scrobbles
  5. Nothing Else by Lorn — 78 Scrobbles
  6. Crisis by Alexisonfore — 66 Scrobbles
  7. Diplomatic Immunity by Client Liaison — 64 Scrobbles
  8. Carnavas by Silversun Pickups — 56 Scrobbles
  9. One Step More You Die by Mono — 55 Scrobbles
  10. Ask The Dust by Lorn — 53 Scrobbles
Top artists & Genres
Not as exciting as the tracks and albums, but the artists that got me through 2023 are;
  1. Lorn
  2. Alexisonfore
  3. Silversun Pickups
  4. Lifeformed
  5. Soccer Mommy
  6. The Mars Volta
  7. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard — this one should have been higher, but so many albums weren't in my library.
  8. City and Colour
  10. Wilco
  11. Alternative
  12. Rock
  13. Indie Rock
  14. Post Hardcore
  15. Indie

Tags: music, retrospective, 2023

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