3 item(s) tagged "macos"

Week 42 β€” Spending more time with Hanami 🌸

  • I made a couple of updates to this site this weekend. Mainly some behind the scenes things to update Hanami to 2.1.0rc2 and to bring some of the core pieces in line with what will be generated when 2.1.0 ships! A couple of highlights:

Week 35 β€” ADST, we've missed you

  • Week 1 with the new iPhone down, and it has been really nice! I didn't think I would adjust to the size as quickly as I did, and it is super nice to be able to type with both hands and use PiP and still see what is playing πŸ˜….
  • macOS Sono...

Managing dotfiles.

It's not often that I get a new computer, but on the odd occasion that I do, I like to have all of my config prepared and ready to copy over!

To achieve this, I am using chezmoi and GitHub to keep an up to date snapshot of my dotfiles. ...

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